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Sunday, September 21, 2008 Y 5:42 AM

-new handpone
-coloured contact lenses
-groom myself
-spend quality of time with him after N
-more dress
-acoustic guitar
-become a better me
-buy acube stng at the E.O.Y
-organise party
-movie marathon
-lower than 10 points
-O and N level certificate

Y 4:52 AM

today..nthg much happen..but i did have nightmares..which woke me up at 12 noon..that dream seems to be afraid if dejavu freaking out aite now!!

i bathed and later on continue to finish up my art..more almost done..almost..but save it for 6.05 watch fairy odd parents..and camp rock again..after that i had my my school rocks..then sneak preview of is a must watch movie..24 oct!!cinema here i come!!can't wait..

ouhk..parents working..i ate dinner with siblings..they are so idiotic..then here i am blogging..well after this im really gonna study smartly..hope my Ns will turn out smoothly..God..don't make me anxious please..

till here readers..

p.s:i bought more cost mama over 200..really sorry..well im your only daughter..

Saturday, September 20, 2008 Y 9:19 AM

ouhk..went to mendaki as usual.attendance was poor.but last week everybody turned up except mua..maeb im a could be..we had 3 hours of maths..dhiah and i were quiet fast so we finished up and we had our conversation..(dhiah you noe i noe :D) it was quiet a story..hee:]..

after mendaki,i went back but it was only 12.30pm..too early to meet azmi..went back straight from tamp inter..which took me at least an hour to reach home..bla3

reached home..went straight to bed and had my afternoon nap :p..sleep..dream..sleep.dream..till 3.15..suddenly azmi was already infront of me:)i thought it was my dream..he fetch me then went straight to geylang..the weather was so unbearable so i wore only singlet and skirt..with sandals..while waiting to cross the road..i can smell the heat and the sun was just above me:).and i got sun-tanned..bla3

i bought loads of things..if azri were there im sure i will be forbidden to buy unimportant things..the money i spent took me 3 weeks to collect but 1 day to finish it up..why ain why??when i think back..its true im wasting my god damn money!!

things i bought:
shoe(got plenty of shoe)
kebaya(must buy)
waterproof eyeliner(i already have two)
compact powder(i have more than 2 less than 10)
facial wash(a lot)
tights(i don't wear it regularly)
pants(must buy)
berry-licious(too delicious and must grab it)
sun dress(look attractive so must buy)

what a waste!!well there's always a next time..later at and mama headed to geylang again-_-"..due to some jams around that area..we decided to walk from ubi to was tiring but was more chaotic at nite.people there were squash like sardines..heeh..

but overall i enjoy todays outing wif mimi and mama..(mimi mama get it?)suberbly fun..nvm azri..after our N theres gonna be a party..whoohoo!!

till here readers...

p.s:kissing is forbidden during ramadan..wait till raya..kiss all you want..:Omuacks!

Friday, September 19, 2008 Y 5:01 AM

well today school was a bore but jane and syiq save my day with laughter..both of them are really into jokes..and will laugh anytime..:)they were talking abt insanity and being bias!well silly them..but i was cool with it..laugh along with them :)

1st and 2nd period are math:(so some were under stress doing it...but i read through geography instead till it was geo lesson..had a short test(map reading)it was on average.but i manage to complete it..

look at the was 10.45(recess time)..yay for the non fasting students:D..fasting students as per normal stay in class slacked or visit the 4n1 students..

i went next door with syiq to look at what they are doing..i was looking at azri..but obviously he was doing math..i don't have the guts to approach him..but when syiq stand infront of him i move next to her staring indirectly infront him.he was asking harrfian abt math..but he didn't know..i noe the next thing ask me for help..can't tolerate the noise in his class..went back to my class to teach him instead.

after few minutes of being a math teacher..he already understand..thats the spirit!!he put down his pen and question me abt my absence in school..i told him from A to Z..he was quiet piss with that bitch..he told me she was an irritant!(im glad you knew)

i told him that i wanna leave him for good..but his reply about our friendship?..i was like what?so he did care about ACUBE after all but just being to0 ego to show his concern..before he went back to class..he told me theres bad news waiting for me..

silent at a moment..then i said is it critical?he said yeah!!gosh he really frighten me:I..with a promise to tell after his prayers..

waited for him at the library..with mimi..after hours of waiting..his figure suddenly appear..well..he look worried.. the only thing in my mind was...[don't tell me you can't make it tmr]and than it did..

azri said "im sorry i can't really2 sorry its my fault.jangan sedih uh"
i didn't say anything and i pretend i was mute.
after seconds than i replied..i told you to listen to me!!stubborn!why azri why!not once tau!!
azri"sorry uh!!
quarrel for few minutes..
than i cool myself down..
azri is to0 much:P
i was ouhk with it..
but still feels like **ping him..
watchout after ramadhan!!im serious!!
stories go on..bla3
and there i was at home blogging:)

till here readers..

p.s:his to0 sweet!kalah honey!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008 Y 6:59 AM

ola readers..ouhk i made up my mind...going to school tomorrow.i miss him badly luh :D..i need to go school..missed out quiet alot of things.guess practising my math hehe:)can't wait for school...yayness!!

note to that bitch:stop your nonsensical.have you had enuf guys around you?you want sure none will be interested in you slut!

p.s:still fucked up!

Y 1:07 AM

i really really miss them:'(i want them back.i didnt go to school again cause i was really upset with both of them.if i go to school my emotion will distract me.i don't want it to happen.thats why i prefer staying at home.Being a paranoid is really difficult for you people to understand.idk..i get so pissed easily.tmr im not coming again..unless theres a superhero who turns up and save my wanna gave him up to her..cause i noe i don't deserve him..people are always unhappy to see me n him being so close..the best way is to leave him for good.i noe i shouldn't care what people think,but it had been ages for me to tolerate all this crap!why don't you people get a freaking life and stop being such an A.S!!that can make you guys be a famous paparazzi!!im really2 sorry for not attending school.i can't bear looking at girls flirting with him infront of me.what's your motive girls??and that particular wanna be the next actress for desperate housewives??i can recommend really sucks when people like you guys/girls exist!!how i wish i can bury all of you alive!!hahahahaha(evil laugh) im rotting in my room feeling hungry and thirsty..i slack more than i study..come on N level is not over yet!!can somebody push me down from a 11th story hdb flat..i look like a major loser at home..i can't bearly complain my probs at home..azmi is M.I.A...ouhk uh not really but his been busy lately for some unimportant reasons..azri??well lets not talk about him..grr!!better get my art done..left a few sketches and colouring..and im done:)see i can do without his help..

till here readers

p.s:fuck you people who have negative thoughts about me!!hell is your place!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 Y 10:21 PM

i was absent from school again.reasons are i slept late last nite at 3 am:)it wasnt on purpose.need to do my art grr!!if i go to school all i did was self-study.its quiet and math paper are drawing not well prepared yet.i got to finish up my art by this thursdae so i can have more time revising for week gonna be busy people:)don't get too anxious aites.i have to slot in a time to go out with i promised her..looking forward to it..well as for my hunnies..azmi n azri..well we're going out this to geylang bazaar..whee:D..breaking fast at my place..yay!!i definitely buy kebab:)craving it for almost a month:)

note to azmi:dear mimi,don't worry..azri and i will sponsor you ur baju kurung..

note to azri:looks like hulk is getting greener:)still not ouhk with you yet out after ramadan:)

note to hanisah:welcome back to group!

note to you noe hu ue are:can't wait after n level n jalan raya!! peeps are so hilarious..

till here readers..

p.s:gimme one more chance please.

Y 9:48 PM

The first person to tag/pass you is?- salimin:P

Your relationship with him/her?-my good buddy:)

Your five impression of him/her?- joker,sense of humour,funny,insane,emo

The most memorable thing he had done for you?- shout at geylang bazaar=x

The most memorable thing he had said to you?-i love choir!

If he become your lover, you will...?- laugh:D

things he has to improve on will be?- rebond his hair:O

If he become your enemy, you will...?- saddened till eternity

.If he become your enemy, the reason will be?- misunderstanding

The most desired thing you want to do for him now is?- throw him a bdae party:)

How you think people around you will feel about you?- ouh crap..they hate me for heaven sake!

The characteristics you love about yourself are?- a good planner:]

The most ideal person you want to be like is?- being myself

For people that care and like you, say something to them?-ily peeps!

Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wished to know how they feel about you.- Huh.

2. azri
3. syiqah
4. alifah
6. hafsah
7. nabil
8. salimin
9. faris
10. jannah

Who is No. 6 (hafsah) having relationship with? - Friends

Is No. 9 (faris) a male or female? - male

If No. 7 (nabil) and 10 (jannah) are together, will it be a good thing? - they don't know each other.

What is No. 2 (Azri) studying about?- achitecture

When was the last time you had a chat with No. 3 (syiqah)? - yesterday

What kind of music band does No. 8 (salimin) like? - ting tings..maeb:)

Will you woo No. 3 (syiqah)? - erms nope.

How about No. 7 (nabil)? - maeb:)

Is No. 4 (alifah) single? - nope.attached

What is the surname of No. 5 (dhiah)? -no sir name

What's the hobby of No. 10 (jannah)? - grocery shopping

Does No. 5 (dhiah) and 9 (faris) get along well? -yup.very well

Where is No. 2 (Azri) studying at?-ccss

Say something casual about No. 1 (azmi). - hilarious

Have you tried developing feelings for No. 6 (hafsah)? - haha..not a lesbian u noe..

Where does No. 9 (faris) live at? - marine crescent

What colour does No. 4 (alifah) like? - blue!

Are No. 5 (dhiah) and 1 (azmi) best friends? - haha..good friends

Does No. 1 (azmi) have any pets? - nope

Is No. 7 (nabil) the sexiest person in the world? - hahaha..more to adorable

What is No. 6 (hafsah) doing now? - in school studying

Monday, September 15, 2008 Y 6:47 AM

had another quarrel again with MUHD AZRI!thnks alot!another good day ruin by people like you.can't i be happy for at least 24/7.i need a piece of my mind you noe..gimme a beak azri.why do ue have to always spoil my mood..u have to understand my temper.remember PARANOID PERSONALITY DISORDER?still don't get it?go n do some research so pissed again..not once but more than twice u did this to me..i always give in to ue..wad am i?a gentlelady..ue are always being unfair towards me!!!URGH!!can both of us start to grow up please!!we are behaving like kindergarden kiddies..maeb im just too angry thats why i say those out:@.

p.s:azri please i dn't want to lose ue again just because of our misunderstanding.can't afford to let out my tears again cause its all dried up..
(if any of azri's fren is reading this and you wanna tell him.pls do so thnk kew!im not being honest)

till here..

Saturday, September 13, 2008 Y 8:31 AM

yesterday i so called "quarrel" with azri..grr!!he won't allow me to plan anything for our cliques aint fair..he gave me a "warning!","watch out!","shut up!"..wdh aite..can't be bothered i just shut my laptop just like pissed!!i noe his hiding something from me..ouhk not only him but everyone...why people why?come on..azmi refuse to tell me any detail abt it..FINE UH!looks like azmi is an undercover..wdv things i tell him..for sure he will tell azri..grr!!!!im so miserable!!4get abt yesterday...lets talk about woke up for sahur as per normal then went back to bed to continue my wild dream..out of a sudden..mama shout at me "wake up!ur late for mendaki!"..i replied"huh!!its still so early!!ouhk gimme 5 mins"..went back to the end that 5 mins turned to 30 mins..and i was late:)so i didn't go..hehe:D..i started doing my art...then later abt 3+,went out to buy that freaking ink!!art is so troublesome:[..break fast at nanny house and then later went back as abang wanted to watch liverpools match..BORING!!... not in the mood..
p.s:if only my dreams were real..

Friday, September 12, 2008 Y 4:47 AM

size of my palm:P
OMG!thunder just gave birth and i witnessed it..its so freaking gross..four kittens but two died..grr..

Thursday, September 11, 2008 Y 9:47 PM

my lifesaver.muhd azri:)
rusy,ifah,mimi,billy n
my two darlings..ACUBE
what with our eyes?
the babes..

me and dhiah:) camera man (nabil)

i look evil:D..dhiah n syiq.
streets of geylang..under the lights..
smile people:)i was looking at my hand.

yesterday my cliques and i went out to break our fast together.I woke up around six and thought i was late but end up i reach the restaurant first.My heart shatterd into pieces when none of my cliques were there.Im so frust at the moment.When its finally time to break fast,all of them turned up.I was pissed.grr!!i took a date and ate it.and ask them to settle down and enjoy their meal without i go sulking again..but this time it is a must to sulk.I ran out of the place n sat outside.counted about 10 second i saw azri walking towards me..he tried to feed me a date which i already ate :) i refused.he console me and pull me back cut it short,finally i felt a lil relief n started eating with the.we spread jokes and share our my observation,everybody had fun..i was extremely happy to see their smiling faces:)before we went off to geylang,everybody started to camwhore..everyone:) stop..geylang was superbly amazing the lights,the food,the people there are so outrageous..went there without umar(gendut) and faris(joker)..they have their reasons..well we were all ouhk with it...there at geylang we bought food n look around for my grey kebaya..hmph it wwas nice but it was out of my after that,all of us decided to walk off and head back to tampines where some of us belong..haha not me.before we were seperated, went to a corner for a mini celebration as for nabils bilated bdae!haha..i gave a speech n den later squash the cupcakes into his mouth:D fun though..haha..then went back home..i took a longer route home..a long one..took 28 u noe..dropped azri,ifah,nabil n azmi..n there i was exhausted by then..reach home ...without bathing i straight away wen to bed :)it was a memorable night guys..thnk you so much.


P.S:lets hang out again..